Qlaunch -- a Linux console Quake server browser.

This program uses Steve Jankowski's qstat.c file to get actual server data.


*** Hey, if you really like this program, send me a post card!
I'd love to get postcards from around the world!

Mark Landis
17015 Oculto Place
San Diego, CA 92127-1426

*** Awesome, thanks! =)

This software is not finished.
You will find bugs, and bugs will find you. There is no escaping that.
:) If and when you run across something, please let me know via the
address at the bottom of this file.

For installation instructions, read INSTALL.

To be included on a mailing list which notifies you of new releases,
drop me a line and ask to be added. (deyes@san.rr.com).


Arrow keys navigate menus
As of 0.02, arrow keys navigate program much like they do in Lynx.
Right/Left arrows go back and foward through the screens, just as ENTER and Q, respectively.
Q will usually escape you out to the next menu level
R will refresh master server(s) -- you can now refresh while browsing a master's server list too
S at the server browse list will let you sort via different options
ENTER selects your highlighted option


As of v0.03, QuakeLaunch now can cache the servers it downloads
from the masters. A cached master server appears CYAN in color
on the master screen. If a server refresh fails, it falls back
on the cached data, if it exists. All cache data is saved in ~/.qlaunch.


* You'll notice when you run the program that in the lower right corner,
it says "F1/Help", well...that doesn't do anything right now. It will
be functioning by the next release.

* Fix support for Quake2 servers. All the code is there, I just need
to implement it.

* Lots of other odds 'n ends....


I can be reached via:

Mark Landis
demoneyes on EFnet #linuxos